Fund raiser at the old age home

Date: 9th October 09
Old Age Home
Location: Kuleshowor
Facilitator: Rumila Maharjan
No of member: 22
Program: from 10:00 am to 3:00pm

Source and posted by: Aaditya, Chhitiz, Chang, Keshav and Satish

Today, the regular jobs were done in kuleshowor. Things including cooking for the old ladies and cleaning up the house. Painting doors and railing of house. The special thing today was that the social work team there lead by Mr. Manjil bought three beds for the old ladies there. Over Rs. 5000 was collected , which included generous donations from Mr. Santosh Bohara, Mrs. Ramila Shrestha, The documentation team and the social work team. The beds were bought all the way from Taudaha. The sum amount was also used to buy the blankets and pillows for the old ladies. Well this remarkable achievement will be forever cherished. Well done to all of you guys, you deserve it!!