Cleaning campaign of adinath temple, Chobar

Date: 7th October 09
Source: Pranil , Bishwas, Malivaka, Jenija, Drishti and Karan
No of member: 19
Program started: 12:00 pm

Today 19 students of group 7 (environment; clean energy; pollution), lead by Mr.Saunak Bhatta, went to adinath temple, chobar. This site was chosen by mr.bhatta with the sole propose of awaring the local people to maintain the heritage site of such importance. Historically this temple is so old that the local residents, even the elderly, don’t have an idea as to when the temple was built. Culturally, it plays and important part of the local heritage. People come to this temple hoping that their dearly departed will rest in peace and in order to do so, they have a tradition of sticking utensils on the walls of the inner temple area. They group assigned to clean the temple premises was enthusiastic and had managed most of the cleaning resources by them self. The resources consist of kerosene, toothbrush, bottle caps, knifes and rags. They cleaned the butter-lamp stands, the temple premises and the prayer wheels along the temple. After cleaning program was finished the group had program of playing games and interaction with the local residents.